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Three Bears Coffee Studio



Regular price $32.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $32.00 AUD
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三只熊G63 咖啡豆  (500g)

产地 Origin : 巴西 & 埃塞俄比亚 拼配 Brazil & Ethiopia Blend

贮藏条件: 密封 避光 干燥 Seal dry Air Tight Away From Light 

生产日期 Packing date:见包装 see label

最佳风味鉴赏期 Best Before: 10-14days of degas

处理方式 Processing: 日晒 Natural & 水洗 fully washed

烘焙方式 Roasting: 中度烘焙 Medium Roasts

风味 Tasting Notes: 水果酸香柔和 甜感足醇厚 果香,白巧克力,花香 HoneyComb showcases the fruity tasting notes and complexity texture. Typical Melbourne coffee style, it delivers the sweet, round deep white chocolate mouthfeel and lingering after taste. 

适用咖啡 Prefect For: 奶咖 & 黑咖 milk-based and black coffee

适用机型:意式咖啡机 Breville DeLonghi La Marzocco

萃取参数:brewing time 27-32秒,ratio 1:2


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